Using your favourite colours, colour in the ox’s face. Can you name the colours?
Cut along the dotted line of the ox, as well as the eyes and the two small circles.
Attach ribbon to the mask by threading it through the two small holes, tie a knot and tape into place.
Colour the lantern below and then cut the lantern out.
Punch holes where the grey circles are.
Thread red ribbon through the holes at the bottom of the lantern and tie a knot
to hold the ribbon in place.
Attach string or ribbon to hole at the top of the lantern so you can hang it up.
1. Cut out the shape chart and all of the item cards.
2. Mix the shapes (lanterns) and place into a hat
3. Pick out a shape from the hat and place the corresponding shape onto the shape chart.
We recommend instructing your child to say each shape in English when placing onto the
shape chart.