Lingumi 英語故事時間 | Keep the germs away 壞細菌走開!

旁白:Toby Mather



還記得 Toby 老師創作的洗手歌「Wash my hands」嗎?今天 Toby 老師要來念一本由 Lingumi 團隊創作的可愛繪本故事 - 「Keep the germs away 壞細菌走開!」,大家準備好了嗎?


故事主角 Bob 是一個非常健康的孩子,他很少生病、感冒或覺得不舒服。他的好朋友 Boo 就好奇的問:為什麼你可以保持健康呢?有什麼秘訣嗎?

在繪本裡,Bob 會告訴小朋友們他的小秘訣,我們也非常推薦搭配 Toby 老師的洗手歌「Wash my hands」一起閱讀唷!


Bob is a healthy child. Bob 是一個非常健康的孩子。

He rarely catches a cold or feels ill.  他很少感冒或生病。

"What is your secret? How are you so strong?" Boo asked. 你的秘密是什麼呢?為什麼可以這麼強壯?Boo 問。

"I wash my hands every day!" 「我每天都有洗手!」

"Let me teach you the 'Wash My Hands' song!" Bob said. Bob 說,「讓我來教你洗手歌吧!」

Wash my hands, wash my hands. I am going to wash my hands!

Rub rub scrub scrub, then I say "Now it’s time to start my day!".

I have very soapy hands. Soap is fun, we splash and play. It keeps all the germs away!

Nasty germs, nasty germs. I don’t like those nasty germs.

Keep them off my mouth and nose, even off my knees and toes.

Twenty seconds then I’m done. Now it's time to have some fun!

"Wow! That is a very good song." 「這真是一首好歌!」

"Now I know how to wash my hands and keep the germs away!" Boo told Bob. Boo 告訴 Bob,「現在我知道該怎麼洗手,把壞細菌趕跑了!」

"Let's go and play!"「我們一起出去玩吧!」

Lingumi - Keep the germs away - Audo

喜歡這本書嗎?快點帶孩子來一起聽 Toby 老師講故事吧!也歡迎分享這篇文章給更多的家庭唷 🙂

Lingumi - Keep the germs away - PDF



📕 Story time! Let's choose a book and read together. 故事時間到!我們來選一本書一起讀吧!
📕 What can you see? 你看到什麼?
📕 What is this? 這是什麼?
📕 Where is the ....? (某個物品)在哪裡呢?
📕 What colour is the ....? (某個物品)是什麼顏色?
📕 Can you turn the page? 你能翻頁嗎?
📕 Do you like this story? 你喜歡這個故事嗎?
📕 Story time is over. It's time to sleep. 故事時間結束囉!該睡覺了。

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